Are there really no free lunches? Maybe not! Not in this materialistic calculative world built of the absolute gross matter.
However, there is an exotic, esoteric, addictive and absolutely free lunch available for the soul of each and every one of us. All we have to do is make the first move and taste the first bite… and each day take just one bite till we can’t resist going for the second and then the third and then till we feel full.
And with each bite, you will feel a wave of calmness and an inexplicable bliss sweep over you. The more you let yourself immerse in its warmth the more you are drawn to it and soon you realise that you have never had as scrumptious a meal as this free lunch for the soul.
Now, would you like to know what this free lunch for the soul is?
This heavenly free lunch for the soul is what connects us to the One and Only Supreme God, The One who is beyond the realm of caste, colour & creed and beyond all discrimination bases, we have divided our human race on.
This free lunch comprises of an arcane meal of meditation prepared with loads of love and faith in The One who created us all and The One in whom we merge.
Since times immemorial, mystics, yogis, rishis and sages alike have stressed the importance and benefits of meditation and the medical and spiritual fruits it holds for us.
And since in this modern scientific world we do not accept anything unless it has a logical, scientific evidence to prove it, scientists conducted various researches to probably contradict the theory of the puritans and ended up proving it right.
Today science agrees that meditation causes significant changes in our brain and helps reduce stress, the most common culprit in most ailments, and provides a sense of well-being, reduces blood pressure, cures insomnia, improves memory and helps us lead a better quality life.
So much for just a few minutes a day of our precious time otherwise spent in all activities except any providing nourishment to the soul, the very essence of our being.
The soul which keeps us alive and which when leaves our body brings our mortal existence to an end. The soul which alone remains alive beyond our death and reincarnates time and again. The soul which bears the impressions of our karmas, both good and bad, which in turn design our future, that is, write our destiny.
Can we really ignore this aspect of our existence? We spend considerable time grooming our body using the best possible and sharpening our minds by persistently working out solutions to our day to day problems. How about the soul, the most vital aspect?
Besides the proven medical benefits meditation has on our body, it elevates the soul spiritually, making it noble, kind, tolerant, compassionate, humble and content. It enhances all the positive attributes which lie at times latent in a human being and need to be awakened.
Also, it is the basic foundation of all religions, which actually unanimously agree that God is one and can be merged into only by practising meditation.
So why not satiate our famished soul with this nourishing free lunch to lead a happy, peaceful, contented life and to develop Godly qualities and become deserving of merging into Him, The One and Only Supreme Power!
Credits: The picture used is taken from